
Pre-Live Checklist

Here's a helpful checklist to go through before you go Live and ensure your event runs smoothly.

Timing your event

Think about when your audience is most active (Timezone, language, age group etc.) to determine the optimal time to run your Live event. Are you targeting students in a particular region? Are you engaging with working professionals in a specific timezone? Knowing these ahead of time will help you decide on the best time to go Live.

Describe, personalize, and promote your Live

  1. Add a description of your Live event to peak viewer interest and share what audience members can expect. Answering 'why should I join your event' and 'what are the benefits of your event' will help you attract new viewers.
  2. Personalize - customize your event cover photo to get users interested in your event. Add a photo related to your event topic or use your channel logo to bolster your brand recognition.
  3. Get the word out - share your event across multiple channels and keep your fans informed.
  • We recommend sharing your events as a Moment (public posts on HelloTalk), so HelloTalkers can see and register for your event.
  • You can also copy the event link and promote them on your social channels. This link will redirect your attendees to your event's very own landing page so they can register ahead of time.

Keep active

Consistency is key to growing your audience on HelloTalk. Staying active with regular events will help you build momentum and grow your following amongst the millions of language and culture lovers who frequent the HelloTalk community.


Keep your viewers engaged with good lighting. Bad lighting, shadows, and poor visibility may distract your audience and reduce engagement. We recommend having at least two different light sources focused on you and that you check your lighting before leaving rehearsal mode.


Background noise can be distracting for viewers and may impact the quality of your event. Find a quiet place to host your Live and ensure your microphone is working properly.


Having a stable bandwidth is crucial to hosting a smooth Live event. It is always a good idea to run a speed test before you start your event.


Angle - if you are running an informative Live, consider having a consistent camera angle to avoid distracting your audience. Hosting an interactive Live outdoors? Consider purchasing a stand to help keep a steady frame during your event.

Mirror - Have a better side? You can customize the camera angle by using the mirror flip function in settings.

Plan ahead

It is always a good idea to plan your event out. You don't have to write an entire script, but having speaking points will keep your event focused and engaging. Not sure how to plan out your event? Here is a simple outline to get you started:

Content Planning Template

Make it interactive

Live is the ultimate way to connect with a worldwide community of language and culture lovers. Ask questions, engage with comments, and invite someone from the audience on stage. Take advantage of these tools to make a real connection with your audience and build a loyal fanbase.

My audience appreciate the Live experience - it provides them with content that you can't just Google for. I remember the names, faces, and their stories. Live lets me create a real connection with learners from around the world - Patrick (English Host)