
Content Guidelines

At HelloTalk, we're on a mission to connect the world through language, culture, and community. As a creator, you play a central role in fostering a safe and inclusive HelloTalk experience. Our Content Guidelines serve as a code of conduct for creators, and help maintain the supportive and welcoming HelloTalk community people know and love. Familiarizing yourself with the following sections will help you thrive as a creator on HelloTalk:

  1. Core Values
  2. Content Guidelines
  3. Interactions

Core Values

We built HelloTalk to bring people together because that's when the magic happens. As a member of this unique community, you agree to uphold the following guidelines:

Respect others

HelloTalk is a place where differences aren't just tolerated, but celebrated. We embrace diversity and respect everyone's uniqueness – language, accent, ethnicity, gender, religion, or anything else that forms the identity or experience of another person.

Keep an open mind

Being part of such a diverse melting-pot of cultures provides an incredible opportunity to see the world from new perspectives. Keeping an open mind is critical for building empathy and understanding across cultures.

Help and support others

HelloTalk is built on the concept of language exchange. Other members help you learn about their culture and language, while you help them learn about yours. This mutually beneficial relationship between learners is what makes our community thrive.


Content that doesn't follow these Core Values will be removed at HelloTalk's discretion, and may result in removal from the community. Unacceptable content includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Hate speech
  2. Racial slurs
  3. Harrassment or bullying
  4. Pornographic or other adult content
  5. Violence
  6. Spam
  7. Illegal activities
  8. Topics that lead to conflict and argument, including political and religious rhetoric


The content guidelines above apply to one-on-one and group interactions as well. In addition, the following behaviors are prohibited:

  1. Flirting or dating
  2. Phishing and other fraudulent schemes
  3. Catfishing

We will use our own discretion to remove content and members that do not adhere to these guidelines. These are meant to keep HelloTalk fun, safe, and educational for everyone 😊. See you in the community!